Deathwish (ASR) Lyrics

“Deathwish (ASR)”

[Part I: Impietas]

Are you against me or are you with me?
Are you with me?
Are you with me?

[Part II: Deathwish]

Is it a deathwish to doze off helpless?
Leave myself at the mercy of you
At the mercy of you
And I be needing my sleep in peace
Need to trust you
At the mercy of you

At the, at the, at the
At the, yeah, at the
At the, at the the

About Frank Ocean Lyrics

Artist: Frank Ocean
Related Songs: Sideways Lyrics
Album: Endless
Release date: 
August 19, 2016
Recorded: 2013–2016

Label: Fresh Produce; Def Jam
Length: 45:52
Genre: Ambient pop; ‎avant-soul‎; R&B; ‎trap‎;‎
Producer: Frank Ocean; Vegyn‎; Troy Noka; ‎Mi…‎
Studio: Capitol, Hollywood; ‎The Mercer Hotel‎,

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