Birds Of Prey Lyrics

“Birds Of Prey”

Alarm bells ringing clear
Break the calm before the fall
Bad news travels at the speed of flight
Good news not at all
And here we are again
Playing endless games of war
Birds of prey

Without a word of warning
We dive in to attack
Vengeful and self-righteous
We turn the blue sky black
And a wretched few escape
They’ll be forever looking back
At our sacrifice

And the golden sun is rising
At the dawn of a beautiful day

In the name of all that’s holy
In the name of history
In the face of life and nature
We are driven by belief
Our faith a crumbling fortress
Once perfect and sublime
Will fail again and rise again
Until the death
Until the death of time

About Deep Purple Lyrics

Artist: Deep Purple
Related songs: On Top Of The World Lyrics
Album: Infinite
Release date: April 7, 2017
Label: earMUSIC
Length: 45:37
Origin: London, United Kingdom (1968)
Awards: Kerrang! Hall of Fame Award
Nominations: World Music Award for World’s Best Album
Genre: Heavy metal, Hard rock, Progressive rock, Classic rock, MORE
Record labels: Purple Records, EMI, Polydor Records, MORE

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