And What Do You See? Lyrics

“And What Do You See?”

Every day
As I sit and stare through my window
I look out
At a world that’s tearing apart
This is what I see
And what do you see?

Time goes by
And the times get worse
Through my window
Still I watch
As the madness darkens the heart
This is what I see.
And what do you see?

Tell me how do we live in a world
That is crumbling away
And be happy
As we are today?

Still I watch
As I pin my hopes on the future
Still I wait
Wond’ring what in heaven will be
Is this an ending
Or a beginning
That I see?
And what do you see?

And at times it appears that our happiness
Hangs by a thread
Can we hold on
Through what lies ahead?

People say
I should turn away
From the window
All the worry
In all the world doesn’t pay
And still I wonder
What kind of future
Starts this way?
For you…
And me…
And what do you see?

About Barry Manilow Lyrics

Artist: Barry Manilow
Related songs:  Harmony Lyrics
 A Christmas Gift of Love
Release date: November 12, 2002
Label: Columbia Records
Born: June 17, 1943 (age 79 years), Brooklyn, New York, United States
Marriage location: Palm Springs, California, United States
Songwriting partners: Bruce Sussman, Melissa Manchester, MORE
Awards: Special Tony Award, MORE
Nominations: Laurence Olivier Mastercard Award for Best New Musical, MORE

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