Ambience 001: “In A Certain Way Lyrics

“Ambience 001: “In A Certain Way””

(“Feel a certain way—”)
“‘Cause you are beautiful and you are young
You deserve to have the best in life”
(“Feel a certain way—”)

About Frank Ocean Lyrics

Artist: Frank Ocean
Related Songs: U-N-I-T-Y Lyrics
Album: Endless
Release date: 
August 19, 2016
Recorded: 2013–2016

Label: Fresh Produce; Def Jam
Length: 45:52
Genre: Ambient pop; ‎avant-soul‎; R&B; ‎trap‎;‎
Producer: Frank Ocean; Vegyn‎; Troy Noka; ‎Mi…‎
Studio: Capitol, Hollywood; ‎The Mercer Hotel‎,

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