Farley Lyrics

“Farley” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) All right, guys, gonna do this one. This is a very special song. I hope you like it. It …

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Station 69 Lyrics

“Station 69” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) That’s my baby. That’s my baby. Oh, Sandman. That’s too much. Mmm It’s awfully cold in outer space …

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Anal Lyrics

“Anal” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) So I tell my wife recently I would love to try anal. And I say to my wife, “Hey, …

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Vagina Fart Lyrics

“Vagina Fart” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) Thank you. The vagina fart has been around a long time, girls. No problem. It’s fun. The vagina …

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Poosyfart Lyrics

“Poosyfart” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) ([man:] Yo, Sandman, what’s your favorite vegetable? A hot beet, get it.) Oh, shit. Yeah. Unh, unh, unh, unh Get …

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Eggshells Lyrics

“Eggshells” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) Okay, this is for the people who either live together or have been married for awhile. Okay? This is …

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Balls Lyrics

“Balls” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) The guys over 50 know what I’m talking about. The testicles do get bigger and bigger as you get …

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Pool Lyrics

“Pool” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) I got old enough now that I don’t take my shirt off anymore. I’m 51, 51 years old. [cheers and …

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Gym Lyrics

“Gym” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) Yes, those UFC guys, they are built pretty fucking good. I can’t stand… That’s the only reason I don’t …

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UFC Ears Lyrics

“UFC Ears” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) Thank you. Whoa, what the fuck is that? What is that? Oh, shit, you scared me with that …

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Sanduzzled Lyrics

“Sanduzzled” (from “100% Fresh” soundtrack) Yeah. Yeah. You just got Sandoozled. [laughs] [sings indistinctly] Yeah, yeah. Sweet, sweet, sweet. That was a good ending. About Sanduzzled Artist: Adam …

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