Pareidolia Lyrics

“Pareidolia” “Do you want to see the house?” My mother asked me Just a quarter mile Before the turn off 118 She didn’t say …

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Dilettante Lyrics

“Dilettante” The heart on my sleeve Is getting harder to believe So hellbent on making progress Yet neglecting what I need And it’s meaningless …

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Well Being Lyrics

“Well Being” Feel it creep under my skin Fingers start to twitch The lonely pang of restlessness When there’s no one else around Do …

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Reuptake Lyrics

“Reuptake” Remedy, remedy You’ve become a crutch A pill I take To swallow All my sorrow Not to change My sadness is not poetic …

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Pendulum Days Lyrics

“Pendulum Days” Seems I’ve been swinging back and forth Or running in one place Suspended to remain on course While Earth turns beneath my …

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